Title of the article |
Authors |
Rozenberg Natal'ya Vladimirovna, Doctor of philosophy, associate professor, head of sub-department of communication management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), elya@sura.ru
Ushkina Irina Aleksandrovna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), irina-ia@yandex.ru
Index UDK |
Abstract |
Background. A specific character of cooperation between a person and some groups of people in different spheres of social life, that has impact on the dynamics of social relationship and social structure in the whole, determines the necessity of the study of mechanisms and reasons, that are in the base of changing the behavior of sides taking part in it. Conformism is one of the most complicated and poorly studied forms of social behavior that are demonstrated both by one person and by the whole groups of people. The analysis of the essence and character of this phenomenon and defining its specific features as a social fact is the main aim of this research work.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research objectives was achieved on the basis of the analysis of scientific theories by Russian and foreign authors, who studied the peculiarity of demonstration of conformism in different conditions of social life. Scientific approaches to the study of this phenomenon, its specific features,
kinds and forms were emphasized and compared with each other by using the method of comparative analysis.
Results. A new definition of conformism as a social phenomenon was given according to the results of this research work. The specific features that distinguish this phenomenon and other facts of social relationship were emphasized. More over, different reasons of demonstration of conformism in some conditions and factors that influence this process were analyzed. The article gives a classification of conformism on the basis of some causes (kinds and forms of this phenomenon are emphasized). Estimation of this phenomenon in social context and the main conclusions about social peculiarity of conformism were given.
Conclusions. The study of conformism as a specific social phenomenon, understanding the peculiarities of its manifestation and development in social context allow to analyze and explain the causes of changing of behavior of some individuals and whole groups in defined socioeconomic conditions, forecast and forestall some negative results of feckless replication of inculcated patterns of life, develop and consolidate an active responsible personality of the modern society.
Key words |
conformism, conformality, group influence, person and group, social phenomenon, form of behavior.
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References |
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